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Will you call us?

It is not found by searching, but those who find it
are always those who search.

Will you call us?

It is not found by searching, but those who find it
are always those who search.

Will we call you?

ANB Architecture

Project Year:
UI & UX / Web Design

Groundbreaking Partnership with ANB Architecture in Historic and Modern Design

At Penta Creative, our collaboration with ANB Architecture combines our expertise in architecture and digital technology to create an exceptional project. Known for its historic and modern architectural projects, ANB Architecture chose to work with us to modernize their digital presence and enhance the customer experience. Through this partnership, we designed a user-friendly, modern website that reflects ANB Architecture's aesthetic and innovative identity. Throughout the project, we meticulously worked to achieve the best results, considering our client’s needs and feedback.

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Artistic User Experience and Fast Access on Mobile

Optimized for mobile users, the ANB Architecture website stands out with its user-friendly interface and quick access features. In the mobile design, homepage components and content are reorganized according to screen size, allowing for easy navigation. The mobile website, enhanced with artistic and up-to-date news, offers quick access to projects and architectural solutions, providing an effective user experience that is accessible from anywhere.

This enables ANB Architecture to successfully deliver continuous and high-quality service to its customers on mobile platforms as well.

Creative Solutions on Desktop that Blend Art and Technology

The desktop website for ANB Architecture has been carefully designed to maximize user experience. An impactful banner on the homepage highlights the company's extensive architectural projects and achievements. Sections providing detailed information on historic restoration projects, modern building designs, and other architectural services offer visitors comprehensive and in-depth insights.

Users can easily access projects and services, quickly finding what they need thanks to the sleek, modern design. Additionally, the news and projects section keeps visitors informed about ANB Architecture’s innovations and accomplishments in the industry.

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anbmimarlik.com_en_(iPad Pro).png
An effective design is constantly monitored, can inspire and keep a lifelong memory alive.
Have a Website 
Different From the Others