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Will you call us?

It is not found by searching, but those who find it
are always those who search.

Will you call us?

It is not found by searching, but those who find it
are always those who search.

Will we call you?

Contempo Carpets

Project Year:
UI & UX / Web Design
Review Prototype
View Live Site

Digital Design

Contempo, one of the leading terminal operating systems providers in Europe,  chose Penta Creative for web design and digital innovation. In this project, Penta Creative strengthens Contempo's digital presence and increases online interaction by offering a modern and user-friendly web design.


Mobile View

At Penta Creative, we provide direct communication with our Art Director during the design process and with our experienced team during the technical stages so that you can shape your projects according to your own vision.

Penta Creative is committed to providing maximum security at every stage of customised web applications and at all levels of web solutions.

All Devices
Coded with Full Compliance

At Penta Creative, we provide direct communication with our Art Director during the design process and with our experienced team during the technical stages so that you can shape your projects according to your own vision.

Penta Creative is committed to providing maximum security at every stage of customised web applications and at all levels of web solutions.

An effective design is constantly monitored, can inspire and keep a lifelong memory alive.
Have a Website 
Different From the Others